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Value Your Part Exchange Car Lease

We and our partners will give you a fair value for your part-exchange.

You can even have it collected for FREE!

Part exchanging your old car is easy

We Collect Your Car For FREE

We'll collect your car FREE

There’s no need to waste time delivering your old vehicle, we’ll come to collect it at a time and place that suits you.

No Fees

No Fees

Unlike some car buying services we won’t charge a penny to purchase your vehicle, all the money will go towards your new lease!

Immediate And Secure Payment

Immediate secure payments

Money in your bank instantly - no hassle, no risk, no problems. The process couldn’t be simpler.

Sell your car the simple way

If it’s time to upgrade your car, you may want to find out how much your car is worth first to see how much you could get towards a new leased vehicle. Our online car valuation works in a couple of clicks to get you an instant valuation for free. Enter your number plate and current mileage for a quick car valuation today and we’ll do the rest.

How much is my car worth?

When it is time to move on to your next car you may find yourself thinking "What is my car worth?". How much your car is worth will depend greatly on the vehicle model, age and condition. Put the money towards a new lease car or treat yourself - the choice is yours.

Free nationwide collection

We will collect your car from anywhere in the UK, saving you time and money.

Immediate secure payments

Payment will be made directly into your bank account before we drive away.

No fees

There are absolutely no fees or hidden costs when selling your car.

Speak to us

Contact our friendly, knowledgeable support team on 0161 703 8744 or

Part Exchange Frequently Asked Questions

Car leasing works by essentially renting a brand-new vehicle for an agreed period, typically between 2-4 years. You pay an initial rental fee and make fixed monthly payments until your lease ends. When your contract finishes, simply return the car. Read more in our complete guide to what is car leasing?
Car leasing means you can drive the latest models every few years and return the vehicle when your contract ends. PCP works similarly, except you can buy the car at the end of your agreement. You’ll pay interest on a PCP, plus a balloon payment if you purchase the vehicle.

Accreditation & Partners

As accredited car leasing brokers in the UK, we work with leading car manufacturers and a number of finance companies, including: ALD automotive, ARVAL, Alphabet, Hitachi, Lex Autolease, LeasePlan and Santander to get you the best deal on your lease. We are a proud member of the BVRLA.

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